Saturday, 14 April 2012

Being Available

I’m sitting on a plane. Seat 11D. Up above the clouds. Over the Atlantic somewhere. I’m going to the I CAN DO IT Conference in Atlanta. I feel sad to have left my family for the weekend, but I’m also happy to be participating in another wonderful Hay House event. I’m experiencing one of those poignant moments in which I sense a beautiful orchestration to our lives. As Hafiz says, “This place where you are right now God circled on a map for you.” So I say “Yes” to this wonderful journey. I say “Yes’ to this life. And I say “Yes” to making myself available to all good things.

When you make yourself available to inspiration,
inspiration makes itself available to you.
When you make yourself available to joy,
joy makes itself available to you.
When you make yourself available to peace,
peace makes itself available to you.
When you make yourself available to love,
love makes itself available to you.
When you make yourself available to your spirit,
your Spirit makes itself available to you.
When you make yourself available to God,
God makes God available to you.
When you make yourself available to Heaven,
Heaven makes Heaven available to you.