On February 27th-28th, I facilitated a workshop on Everyday Abundance at the Columbia Hotel, London. For two days, a room full of people, who came from all walks of life, explored some big themes including definitions of real abundance, blocks to real abundance, and also what can enable greater abundance.
I put this workshop on now, in the middle of this economic recession, because I believe we are each being called to reflect on what is of real value in our lives. The workshop was a wonderful occasion, and one that I personally got a lot out of. It was full of deep realizations, rich sharings, helpful conversations, and new commitments going forward.
The Everyday Abundance workshop started with a reading by Avril Carson and Lizzie Prior of a poem I wrote called True Abundance. This poem set the tone for our workshop. Here it is:
Abundance is not an it.
It is not to be found in
a shopping basket.
Abundance is not an achievement.
You will not find it at the end
of your never-ending
to-do list.
Abundance is not a place to get to.
Your zip code will not make you
Abundance is not a competition.
You cannot have more than your
neighbour and feel truly
Abundance is not having everything.
You can’t have everything.
Think about it.
Where would you put it all?
Abundance is not about
getting more or
having more.
First and foremost, it is about
being more.
Being more of Who you
really are.
The reason why abundance is so
desirable is that it is your
true nature.
Abundance is Who you are.
It is what you experience when you
stop depriving yourself of what
is already yours.