Today I am doing a 1-day workshop on Be Happy at the NY Open Center down at Spring Street. It is an honour to be teaching at a place that has offered such consistent, visionary service to so many people over the years.
I abandon myself.
The searching is a blindness.
I cannot see.
But I do not realize that
I cannot see.
And I cannot see, just yet,
what I am doing to
In search of happiness,
I lose myself.
I cannot find what I am
looking for because I
do not know what I am
looking for.
There is no search and find.
It is only search and
search and
In search of happiness,
I call out to myself.
I want help. I want help.
Help is what I want.
I am tired. I am tired.
I am too tired to be happy.
I am too tired to be helped.
At first.
In search of happiness,
I find myself.
I am what I have been
looking for.
I come home again to a
place in me where All
is well.
I come home again to
a part of me that is All
of me.
I am no longer searching,
and I can see.
I can see.