What do you WISH for yourself in 2010? How would you like to grow? What would you like to experience? What do you want to say YES to? And, most importantly, what help do you need to make your wishes come true?
I have just received notice from my publisher Hay House of a unique online seminar called SOUL NOURISHMENT that is designed to help you to start your year with a flourish and to help you keep flourishing through 2010. Soul Nourishment features eight lectures by some of the world’s leading experts in the field of mind-body medicine and spiritual including, Wayne Dyer, R Chistiane Northrup, Dr Bruce Lipton, Marianne Williamson, Dr Brain Weiss, and me too.
The lectures you will hear were all pre-recorded at the recent I CAN DO IT® conference in San Diego, CA. I was present at this conference, and I have heard most of the lectures available in this SOUL NOURISHMENT series, so I know how good this series is. Also, if the line-up isn’t inspiring enough, I am sure you will find the price is: $20! Also, when you sign up you will receive a special bonus downloadable excerpt with Hay House founder, Louise Hay. I have already personally ordered a copy for every member of The Happiness Project team.
One last thought: If 2010 is really going to be an inspirational year for you, what inspiration will you stay close to? Make a list of the practices, books, places, conferences, workshops, CDs, and people you will draw inspiration from this year. Promise yourself to stay close to what inspires you.
I wish you a truly inspiring 2010.