Tuesday 26 May 2009

Everyday Abundance: Being on Purpose

This evening I will be giving a talk on Everyday Abundance at One Spirit in New York.  One of the themes I will focus on is the relationship between abundance and living a life of purpose.

I notice that when I feel I am on purpose I want for nothing else.  Being on purpose, separation gives way to connectivity; being on purpose I become open and receptive; being on purpose I feel very, very present; being on purpose I am illogically generous; being on purpose I am in the flow; being on purpose I enjoy a vital engagement with life; being on purpose the neurotic static of my ego is barely noticeable and I feel in tune with something greater than myself.

This evening I will introduce the theme of being on purpose with a poem I wrote called “Money and Purpose.”   Here it is:

Money does not exist

in heaven.

But it can buy you

many things on earth.


So what is the true value

of money?

Isn’t it true that anything

of real value has

no price?


Let’s talk about exchange rates,

like economists do.

What are you trying to

exchange money for?


Are you trying to buy yourself

some freedom?

Are you hoping that enough money

will make you feel secure?


Do you still believe that money

can create joy?

Will more money really make

you feel abundant?


The ego will always try to sell

you something that is

already yours.


The richest person on earth is the

one who collects his Divine

tax-free inheritance.


Money or not, rich or poor, bull

market or bear market,

keep investing in the

treasures of your soul.


Don’t be distracted by what can

go up or down, and what

can be won or lost.


Focus only on your divine purpose,

and all of the necessary funds

will be made available.