I am in Las Vegas this weekend to give the opening keynote at the annual conference for the International Enneagram Association (IEA). I feel honoured to be asked to give the keynote and I am looking forward to taking in a number of lectures given by leading teachers of the Enneagram including Russ Hudson, Jessica Dibb, David Daniels, Helen Palmer, Tom Condon, and Marika Borg.
My friend Marika Borg introduced me to the Enneagram one fine day in Helsinki in 2003. I consider the Enneagram to be one of the most effective psycho-spiritual models for healing and happiness that I have encountered. I feel the Enneagram is a great blessing in my life. It has helped me to understand myself better, and also to love and appreciate others more. It is also integral to my work with Success Intelligence and The Happiness Project.
My Enneagram highlights include: a weekend workshop led by Marika Borg at my in-laws’ home for family and friends; the Riso & Hudson Enneagram training program shared with Avril Carson, Ben Renshaw, Lizzie Prior (my sister-in-law) and Evie Prior (my mother-in-law); and also one particular, life-enhancing conversation with my brother, David. And the journey continues – starting this weekend at the IEA annual conference.
If you are new to the Enneagram I encourage to visit the Enneagram Institute, home of Don Riso and Russ Hudson. Take their RHETI test, to get your Enneagram profile. I recommend all their books, particularly Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types.