This morning I begin a two-day workshop in London called The Real More. This workshop is billed as “A Series of Meditations on More.” It is an invitation to reflect on what is the real more that we most want in our lives. More specifically, what is the real more we want to be, to know, to experience, to give, and to receive. The first principle we will explore is, when you know what you really want, you stop wanting more of everything else.
I am joined on The Real More workshop by my friends Avril Carson, Ian Lynch, Lizzie Prior, Bron Wilton, Candy Constable, Charlie Shand, and Robert Norton - each of who will help to create an event that is rich in poetry, meditations, music, inquiry, conversations, and exercises. I have a strong sense that this weekend will be the start of something wonderful - opening us all up to new levels of prosperity and joy. The Real More will begin with the following poem, which I wrote especially for this event, entitled “The Start of Something Wonderful.”
It's time to do
Start doing
nothing immediately.
Make doing
nothing your work
Do nothing,
and do not even make
it a technique.
This doing nothing is
a divine opportunity.
It interrupts the past.
It changes the future.
And your soul is ready
to act now.
Doing nothing,
in its purest form,
is receptivity.
Your non-action draws to
you extra
Doing nothing is the start
of something
It is what an orchestra does
to sound the first note
of a symphony.
It is what each of us must do
if we are let the divine
act through us.
Doing nothing
is holy work.
Out of the nothingness,
a new adventure
Start doing
nothing immediately.
Make doing
nothing your work
Do nothing,
and do not even make
it a technique.
This doing nothing is
a divine opportunity.
It interrupts the past.
It changes the future.
And your soul is ready
to act now.
Doing nothing,
in its purest form,
is receptivity.
Your non-action draws to
you extra
Doing nothing is the start
of something
It is what an orchestra does
to sound the first note
of a symphony.
It is what each of us must do
if we are let the divine
act through us.
Doing nothing
is holy work.
Out of the nothingness,
a new adventure