Tuesday, 15 September 2009

5 Key Measures of REAL Success

I’m in Milan, Italy today coaching a team of leaders who are responsible for three global brands that are each the No.1 brand in their field.

We began the day by reviewing the question, “What is success?”  As ever, the conversation was interesting, informative, and helpful.  “What is success?” is a good question.  After that, we explored the question, “What is REAL success?”  This time the conversation went to a whole new level.  It was illuminating, energizing, and revelatory.  “What is REAL success?” is a great question.

Exploring “What is REAL success?” is an invitation to dive deeper into what really moves you, inspires you, touches you, engages you, and helps you to feel most alive and on purpose.  I love this question.  To finish the session, we each made a list of 5 key measures that help us to identify REAL success.  Here are my five measures:

1.    Love:  Love is success.  Love is happiness. Love is my purpose.  Love is the whole point of everything.  And whatever I do, I do it for love.  The more loving I am, the more successful I feel.

2.    Oneness:  I feel an abiding sense of oneness with my creator, with my soul, with my family, with my friends, with humanity, and with nature.  I am inspired and sustained by Oneness.

3.    Forgiveness: I gladly let go of all grievances, regrets, wounds, rejections, and disappointments that happened once upon a time.    Forgiveness helps me to live in the present tense.

4.    Grace: I notice how I am helped everyday – by angels seen and unseen - in a hundred thousand different ways. Right place; right time. I gladly accept the universal help that is always on offer to me.

5.    Gratitude: I don’t wait for my life to get better before I start to practice gratitude.  The more grateful I am, the wealthier I feel. Gratitude is a miracle because it shows me that it’s all here now.

OK, those are my five measures.  Writing them down feels great.  Totally affirming.  Now it’s your turn.  What are your five key measures that help you to identify REAL success?  Grab a pen and paper, and start writing.  

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

10 Symptoms of Entrepreneurial Spirit

If someone was to ask you, “Are you an entrepreneur?” what would you say?
“Yes” or “No?”
“Maybe” is not an option.
If your answer is “Yes,” how so?
What makes you an entrepreneur?
Be specific now!
How would you describe the tell-tale signs of entrepreneurial spirit in you?

If your answer is “No,” I recommend that you take a closer look at your life, your work, and your relationships. Maybe entrepreneurship is so natural to you that you haven’t thought of giving a name to it. It’s just who you are; and you just do it!

On September 23rd, I will present a master-class on Unconditional Success & Happiness to the Inspired Entrepreneur Group, in central London. I am particularly excited about this event, as my long-time friend Nick Williams is one of the founders of the Inspired Entrepreneur Group. Nick is one of the world’s most eloquent and passionate thought-leaders on inspiration, purpose, and, entrepreneurship. Nick not only talks and writes about inspiration; he is an inspiration. Anyone who has met Nick, will tell you so.

So what is an entrepreneur? It sounds a bit French, doesn’t it! And what is the entrepreneurial spirit? Well, here are ten symptoms that I have come up with which might help you to recognize it in you and release it even more into our life.

Ten Symptoms of Entrepreneurial Spirit.

1. An entrepreneur knows that the real world is made up not of particles, but possibility.
2. An entrepreneur sees that the world is a cause, and we are the effect.
3. An entrepreneur realizes that you have to be what you want in order to get what you want.
4. An entrepreneur doesn’t get caught up in the search for happiness; they simply follow their joy.
5. An entrepreneur doesn’t have a job; they have a purpose.
6. An entrepreneur doesn’t wait for life to happen; they begin.
7. An entrepreneur has a basic trust that all honest endeavours receive a grant of unconditional universal support.
8. An entrepreneur rides the creative waves of the cosmos, and sometimes they fall off, but they always get back on again.
9. An entrepreneur prays for help every step of the way.
10. An entrepreneur participates wholeheartedly in the miracle of creation and this is what helps them to grow.

Thursday, 3 September 2009

Oprah.com: 10 Keys to Finding Happiness

Today is the official UK launch date of Be Happy. It’s published by Hay House UK, and Jo Burgess in publicity is keeping me very busy doing articles and interviews for radio, press, TV, and online. As a result we are busy updating the Media Appearances section at www.robertholden.org and www.behappy.net. Do check it out.

Today, Oprah.Com has published an article of mine called 10 Ways to Finding Happiness. If you want to read more, click here. To wet your appetite here are my first three suggestions:

Define Happiness

What is your definition of a happy life? Are you living it? Think carefully on this because your definition of happiness will influence every other significant decision in your life. For example, if you think happiness is outside you, you will make happiness into a search, a catch, or a reward that you must earn. If, however, you know happiness is inside you then happiness becomes a compass, a teacher, and an enabler that helps you to live your best life.

Accept Yourself

Without self-acceptance, you will limit and block how much happiness, prosperity, love, and success you will enjoy. The miracle of self-acceptance is that if you are willing to accept happiness already exists in you, you will begin to experience more happiness around you. The law of acceptance is what activates the law of attraction. Being willing to accept yourself is the first step to bringing out the best in yourself.

Follow Your Joy

There is a world of difference between searching for happiness and following your joy. Following your joy is about listening to your heart’s desires, noticing what truly inspires you, and recognizing your soul’s purpose. A good starting point is to reflect on the question “When am I at my happiest?” People who follow their joy discover a depth of talent and creativity that inspires us all.